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Hastens Beds Notting Hill

Hästens Beds invites you to their Swedish Fika day with Macmillan

Hästens Beds Notting Hil will be hosting a Fika on Friday 24th September from 10am to 6pm.

Please join them for coffee and cakes to support Macmillan’s work. Feel free to bring a friend!

Enjoy making your own fresh juice on the Juice Bike.

Coffee is sponsored by Starbucks, cakes/pastries are sponsored by M&S, and the raffle prize is being donated by Hästens Beds.

All donations and revenues from the coffee ‘n’ fika will be donated to Macmillan Cancer Support.

Hästens Beds would like to thank Starbucks and M&S In Notting Hill for their support.

Hastens Beds Notting Hill
Macmillan Coffee Morning

Hästens Beds Notting Hill Swedish Fika day with MacMillan
10am – 6pm, Friday 24th September 2021
140-142 Notting Hill Gate
W11 3QG

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